Thursday, July 16, 2009
For those of you just joining, my name is Iman (like the model) I fell off the wagon, but am getting back on. Hopefully with inspiring pictures of interior design, quotes and kid stuff. I'll also blog about... Cooking and how I don't like it but wish I could. Decorating and how I love it, but don't do enough of it. and other random things like, nutrition, fashion, Islam and making movies. This is my life. (photo credit Bellingham Herald)


Fashion, Faith, Food. Sarcasm too. Mama to 3. Currently living in Kuala Lumpur.



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On A Wing And A Prayer: An American Muslim Learns to Fly

On A Wing And A Prayer: An American Muslim Learns to Fly
*as seen on PBS*

Our summer in Jerusalem

Our summer in Jerusalem
check it out @ NieNie Dialogues



Faith Walks The Land

Faith Walks The Land
{new documentary-Summer 2011}
Eat Less Meat at This Week For Dinner
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