Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I found this cute print on etsy and deemed it perfect for today!
Reminded me of this...
 Because every now and then you need some inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. The stange thing is before September 11th, I don't think many Americans would have looked at you the way they do. Maybe they did and I just never realized it because that was not how I viewed Muslims. I have been quilty of this and I don't like it. I want to judge each individaul for who they are and not for how they dress or their religion. I am sorry that you faced so much discrimination in a land where we profess to be the land of the free.


Fashion, Faith, Food. Sarcasm too. Mama to 3. Currently living in Kuala Lumpur.



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On A Wing And A Prayer: An American Muslim Learns to Fly

On A Wing And A Prayer: An American Muslim Learns to Fly
*as seen on PBS*

Our summer in Jerusalem

Our summer in Jerusalem
check it out @ NieNie Dialogues



Faith Walks The Land

Faith Walks The Land
{new documentary-Summer 2011}
Eat Less Meat at This Week For Dinner
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